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10 surprising food that is good for your teeth

We all know the secret to healthy teeth: brush regularly, floss regularly and keep all kinds of sugar to a minimum. On the other hand, the food you eat can also play a role in preserving a healthy mouth and, while no food will ever replace the need to brush, there are some that are surprisingly healthy for your teeth.

10. Chewing gum

Regardless or not this qualifies as food is arguable, and we would firmly advise against swallowing it. However, as many advertisements promise, chewing gum is indeed good for your teeth, provided it is sugar-free. This is because gnawing speeds up saliva production, which in turn helps rinse out away harmful acids more effectively. As a further bonus, it makes your breath smell better.

9. Salmon

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for good oral health, as it effectively allows your system to better absorb calcium make it to good use throughout your body. Salmon is packed full of both Calciferous and calcium, making it an all-round super food for helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

8. Carrots

Carrots have also been hailed cavity-fighting veg, as munching on supports of crunchy, raw carrot provides a natural toothbrush. Finally, the chewing action massages your gums, and this bright vegetable is rich in plaque-attacking keratin as well as Nutritional A, which is important for strengthening delicate dental enamel. All-in-all the new good choice for an in-between-meal snack.

7. Cheese

Mozzarella cheese is great for your teeth. Not only will it have high levels of phosphate and calcium, which naturally strengthen teeth and bones, but it also helps balance the pH level in your mouth, which means less damaging acid, more cleansing saliva, and fewer cavities.

6. Yogurt

Unsweetened natural yogurt makes a great healthy breakfast or snack. To get the benefit for your teeth, yogurt contains both casein and calcium, which strengthens teeth enamel and helps repair it if it happens to be damaged.

5. Sesame seed products

Eating sesame seeds on their own, or cooked into bread will help you in two ways. 1st of all, as you chew, they help to scrub plaque from your teeth and, secondly, they’re high in calcium. Just make sure any seeds caught relating to the teeth are removed as soon as possible.

4. Onions

Raw onion can be very healthy for you, and as an added bonus, the antibacterial sulfur ingredients contained in onion will kill the harmful bacteria on your teeth. But you should chew gum soon after!

3. Celery

Celery provides all of your teeth a great exercise routine. As you chew celery, it helps to clean up your the teeth and massages your gums in the process, while everything that chewing will also produce plenty of saliva to neutralize bacteria.

2. Oranges

Apples are highly acidic therefore you could be forgiven for thinking that would weaken the enameled surface on your teeth. However, the natural sugars contained within apples actually help neutralize harmful acids in the mouth. And also this, chewing apples is another good mouth workout for secretion production, and they’re jam-packed with vitamins to keep your gums healthy.

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are nice, acidic and tend to stain things red, so how can they possibly be good for your teeth? Strawberries contain malice acidity, which is actually a good natural whitener for enamel – eating bananas really help keep your teeth free of stains. Just be mindful that strawberry seeds can get stuck between your teeth, so be sure you floss after eating them.

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